Sunday, 17 June 2007

OSLO, Norway

On day 3 of the cruise, we finally arrived at our first port of call. It was oslo, the capital of Norway. There are many tour organised by the cruise directors, but there were many people who went along doing their own touring and thats what my family and i did. We arrived at oslo at precisely 8 am. the ship was docked near town, so we could easily walk into town. The sun was shining, and it was the most beautiful sight i have ever seen. We took our map and shopping guide and headed on to explore oslo.

It is most definately the most beautiful place among all the other countries we visited. Oslo is a small town, and because we arrived on a sunday, it was very quiet. All the shops were closed, you could hardly see people around unlike malaysia where everyone heads to the city and the malls. Well this was certainly the opposite. The main highlight of oslo was Vigeland Sculputre Park.

Vigeland Sculpture Park

One of the artistic highlights of Norway is the Sculpture Park in Oslo. The park contains 192 sculptures with more than 600 figures, all modeled in full size by Gustav Vigeland without the assistance of pupils or other artists. Vigeland also designed the architectural setting and the layout of the grounds.This is my favourite place and its just fascinating (hence the detailed information).

Vigeland sculpture park is truly one of a kind and a work of art. There are 4 very important parts to it. The bridge, the fountain, the monolith and the wheel of life.


58 bronze sculptures on granite parapets (1926-1933) stand on either side of the Bridge portraying people of widely differing ages, although there is less emphasis on old age than others in the park. Many characteristic representations of children are noticeable.

Sandya, in the background are the sculptures of people in different ages.

The circle being a well-known symbol of eternity, the sculpture indicates the constant attraction and love between the sexes or a figurative version of the Eastern symbol of "Yin and Yang."


The Fountain is the earliest sculpture unit in the park. In the center of the basin, six giants hold the large saucer-shaped vessel aloft and from it a curtain of water spills down around them. The men, representing different ages, may be interpreted as toiling with the burden of life and the effort expended in lifting the heavy vessel varies.

The fountain and if you look closely you can see a rainbow..its not illusion, it was there for real. At the back is the monolith.

My dad and me


The column, 14.12 meters (46 feet) high carved out of a single block of stone, consists of 121 figures. Modeled by Vigeland in the years 1924-25, it took three stone carvers from 1929 to 1943 to complete the Monolith, just shortly before Vigeland died.The column is completely covered by human figures in relief, singly or in groups.

I look like a pink speck amongst all the greyness. *hmm*

Cant believe that sandya posing!!! , Surrounding the Monolith are 36 groups in granite depicting the cycle of life. Every sculpture includes at least two figures depicting Man in a variety of typical human situations and relationships.


Wheel of life. it basically represents the eternal circle.

Among the other places in oslo that we saw was :

My dad standing infront of the residence of the royal family

Sandya and dad at city hall.

Giant naked lady and premi at city hall.

Welcome to OSLO!!!, i like this picture.

I love the flowers, theyre so beautiful

Isnt it beautiful, im talking about the flowers *hehe*

Overall, oslo is a beautiful country, its full of radiance and it has a good public transportation system. I had a good time and it was a good start for a 12 day cruise.

1 comment:

priya d. said...

the carvings are magnificent...damn! and oslo does look really pretty...