Sunday, 29 April 2007

How well do u know me AGAIN!!!

Create your own Friend Test here
I have to admit that my first test was kinda hard, so it was pretty unfair...and i did receive a lot of complaints and all. Hence i did a part 2 to my "how well do you know me" test..dont worry people, its definately much easier and there's only 10 questions!!..ahah so hopefully someone does it!!...*lol*...

Friday, 27 April 2007

Thank You

Im just feeling so overwhelmed by things people do for me. I've been just going through a really rough time, dont ask me why and people it was not PMS -kay..*lol*..So with all these mixed feelings, ive been different and i've lost myself but the things that keep me going and brings life to my day is the things my friends do for me..Just a word like " im here for you" or " if you need anything, call me" make a big difference to me. Then there are some people who really go out of their way to make my day, so im taking this opportunity to thank these really sweet individuals who have just made my day recently... i love you ppl.

To my dearest prakash :

Thanks so much for the good charlotte tickets!!!! and the fact that you took sanjay and i all the way to time square just to collect it..the whole journey there was interesting most definately. Remember the car park incident.ahaha that was the best part *guessing the animals*. The weird part was digi sent me the same sms the next day *rolls eyes*. dum digi..hehe, anyways i totally had a blast at the concert.. it was just the remedy i needed..well i definately will make it up to you..or better yet ill let priya do it kay *winks*..ahahaha. *hugs*

My dear hammy buddy:

One look at the picture and well that hibiscus totally took my breath away. there's just something about the picture that i really love and the best part was the editing done..excellent job hammy!!!! *applaudes*.. thank you so much for the card thing, im gonna carry it with me everywhere i go.. its a really beautiful picture.. Add to which i really like the poem..and the last line is my favourite line now thanks to you *hehe*.. No words can describe how much that means to me...

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Tagged Again!!!

So i was tagged by prax.. oh well here we go again !!

5 reasons why i blog :

1. " Boredom"... im so bored and i have nothing else better to do hence i started blogging.

2. It gives me a sense of relieve.. i feel like i can actually let loose and let my fingers do the typing and express my feelings.

3. started blogging for the fun of it... everyone seemed to be doing it *hehe*...must have been the " in " thing

4. it supposedly improves your language.. *smiles* its actually quite true

5. my Famous last words : I DUNNO la!!!!!!

now comes the best part i can actually tag 5 people..woo hoo!!!. So i tag

a) hammy
b) louisa
c) ashy
d) VEE!!!
e) tommy!!!

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Earth Day 2007

That's rite people today is " EARTH DAY". We have been blessed to be born in such a unique and beautiful planet called "earth".... God has created a planet which has an amazing and breath taking natural beauty. These natural beauty not only gives us beautiful scenery but also great travel destination. I would call the planet which we live on a "GIFT", what would we do without this "GIFT". Imagine living on planet mars for example...bear land, no diversity or just imagine living in a black and white world???.. i certainly would not want to imagine or better yet live such a life!!.

However we (mankind) have certainly failed to look after this precious "Gift" brought upon us. We have neglected our duties to preserve mother earth and have taken our mother earth for granted!!! *sighs*. Now as we move into an era which is technologically advanced, has sky high buildings, many multi billionare's and basicly growing countries, we have overlooked a MAJOR *stress* part of our life which is deteriorating drascticlly, "ENVIRONMENT".....
We are too blinded by money, fame and just making profit. that we have fail to realise the consequences of our action..... We have to Stop and realise that we are nothing without mother nature.Honestly in my opinion, with the growing critical condition of our environment..we( mankind) have nothing to be proud of. We can come up with robots and funny gadgets, but we are not doing anything to look after and save the environment. Among the aftermath of our actions are:

i) Global warming
ii) The depletion of ozone layer
iii) extinction of wildlife
iv) pollution (all kinds)

The list can go on and on, but i believe that we are all smart people, Heck we're suppose to be the smartest species rite????.. so i dont have to go on and on... Thus on Earth day, i think it is time that we create awareness and work together to save our mother earth people!!. It just takes one person to start and well the rest will follow. im gonna do my part and i hope you people do yours as well..

Below is the " World's Endagered Destinations" due to global warming

The Everglades, Florida : Even a slight increase in temperature and water level could prove devastating to popular destinations like the Everglades, Miami Beach and the Keys.

Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska:A sign in Kenai Fjords National Park indicates where the Exit Glacier reached in 1978; about a half-mile away from where it has receded to today.

Australia’s Great Barrier Reef:One of the most impressive natural habitats in the world, the Great Barrier Reef could be killed by increased water temperatures and the resulting coral bleaching.

The Netherlands: Popular for its abundant windmills, tulips, art and history, low-lying Holland-is at great risk of damaging floods over the next century.

Mt. Kilimanjaro, Tanzania: The first image of Kilimanjaro above was taken prior to 1998, the second in 2005.

Funafuti, Tuvalu:The tiny Pacific atoll nation of Tuvalu has been in talks with New Zealand about a possible evacuation of its 11,000 inhabitants if the oceans continue to rise.

South Georgia Island: Rife with Emperor penguins, seal, whales and albatross, South Georgia Island,Studies have shown that both poles are warming at a rate far faster than the rest of the planet, leading to decreased ice thickness and an increase in ice shelf disintegration.

Dalian, China:Along with the U.S., China is one of the world's leading contributors to the greenhouse gases believed to be largely responsible for the increase in the Earth's temperature.

Venice, Italy: No stranger to flooding, Venice has invested $4.5 billion in a floodgate system that is due to open in 2012

Tokyo, Japan: Following Tokyo's first winter without snow in 131 years, the plum blossoms emerged three weeks earlier than normal this year.

Wengen, Switzerland: This January, 2007 photo of the Swiss Alps shows what some forecasters fear could be the near future for lower-elevation ski resorts. Climate scientists have projected that all of the glaciers in the Alps will be completely melted by 2050

Manhattan, New York City:at risk of potentially catastrophic "megafloods" resulting from rising oceans and stronger storms in the next century.

Halong Bay, Vietnam: With a high percentage of its population living along the coast, Vietnam faces considerable risk from the effects of global warming.

St. Claude Street Bridge, New Orleans: Many climatologists believe that the increased temperature of the Gulf of Mexico led to the strengthening of hurricanes Katrina and Rita in the fall of 2005.

London, England: Designed to protect London from storm surges and extremely high tides, the Thames Barrier was opened in 1984. Some analysts fear that rising oceans will create conditions beyond the capabilities the barrier was designed to meet.

Northwest Territories, Canada: Polar bears have become one of the more obvious victims of the impact of global warming. With about 23,000 square miles of Arctic sea ice melting every year, the bears' hunting grounds are shrinking rapidly. Some scientists predict polar bears will be extinct in the next century.

-pics and facts were taken from

Welcome To My Life

Do you ever feel like breaking down?
Do you ever feel out of place?
Like somehow you just don't belong
And no one understands you
Do you ever wanna run away?
Do you lock yourself in your room?
With the radio on turned up so loud
That no one hears you screaming

No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right
You don't know what it's like
To be like me

To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life

Do you wanna be somebody else?
Are you sick of feeling so left out?
Are you desperate to find something more?
Before your life is over
Are you stuck inside a world you hate?
Are you sick of everyone around?
With their big fake smiles and stupid lies
While deep inside you're bleeding
No you don't know what it's like
When nothing feels all right
You don't know what it's likeTo be like me

To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like
Welcome to my life

No one ever lied straight to your face
And no one ever stabbed you in the back
you might think I'm happy
but I'm not gonna be okay
Everybody always gave you what you wanted
You never had to work it was always there
You don't know what it's like, what it's like

To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like (what it's like)

To be hurt
To feel lost
To be left out in the dark
To be kicked when you're down
To feel like you've been pushed around
To be on the edge of breaking down
And no one's there to save you
No you don't know what it's like

Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life
Welcome to my life

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

In Loving Memory

For all you people who dont read the newspaper or watch the news!, well here's and important update for ya'll. On monday, 16th April 2007, the worst massacre shoot out in american history occured in Virginia Tech University. The shoot out begun at 7.15 a result of this nightmare, 33 people including the shooter died and about 16 or more were injured. This event came as a real shock to well people all around the world. Im one of many people who mourn over this tragic event. This shooting Massacre is known as one of the deadliest shooting in U.S history.

If your wondering who was responsible for this outrageous madness!!!!..well it was a south korean student Cho Seung hui,23 who was an english major at the university. Its no suprise that the boy is said to have suffered from mental illness. Students at the campus say that the boy was a loner and was also nicknamed the " question mark kid".....that kinda says alot doesnt it....NO, this boy didnt just get out of bed and said " hey, i feel like killing people today"..Cho had carefully planned this whole thing. He was also known for stalking a girls, writting really freaky play's and doing scary stuff...Overall his one CRAZY!!!!!!! boy.

The murderer

Its just really sad that so many innocent people had to die because of one mentally disturbed kid. In my opinion, the university should have taken extreme measures when this boy was showing freaky symptoms already.......Then again this is not the 1st shoot out that happen at Virginia Tech. Last year August, a shoot out occurred but luckily noone got hurt. You would think that after the columbine incident and other incident that strict measures would have been taken to prevent such catastrophy from ever happening again. *sighs*..The easy access to guns in america is a major factor to such incidents.. According to the news, this Cho guy actually bought the guns legally.

An important thing i learnt from this tragic incident that it brings out the best in some people. What im tryin to say (sum up in one word is) "heroism". Some people's quick thinking and ability to sacrifice their life was able to save many more lifes...for example this lecturer who sacrificed his life for his student. (Note: all his students able to escape safely)..the ironic part is that this proffesor survived the holocust and other stuff and ended up losing his life to a crazy boy....but many people said he died at a place he called home.....

This post is my way of showing my sadness and sympathy for the families and people who have lost either a loved one or a friend. Hopefully we do not have to face such tragedy ever again.

Monday, 16 April 2007

Driving Experience

I never thought this day would come when i would actually get my license (P), for the record the date of this momentous event was 16th April 2007... i know many people would be thinking that " its only a driving license, What's the big deal??" or " What's so exciting about it"...the interesting and exciting part is that for me is that i never thought this day would actually come as i was only suppose to get my license when i was 21 & above (dont be shock), this is due to some issues my mum has with driving. Anyways ill take you back to how me (premi) who was never suppose to get her license actually and finally got it.

(flashback to January)
Since i was bumming around because i had not quite decided what to do with my life, my dad decided i should learn how to drive instead of wasting my time. At that moment i just started working at my dad's office. He thought driving was a good idea because i could help him out later (etc,...etc). I wasnt really keen on getting my license compared to when i was 17, when all my friends were in the process of getting theirs..but eventually i gave in to my dad's wishes...As you might guess, mum was not pleased about this at all..

So my dad enrolled me at Kandasamy Driving School, where practically most people go to. The whole 6 hour ceramah was such a drag and it totally killed any little motivation in me to learn how to drive. Nevertheless, i decided to just finish it and get it over and done. After passing the computer test and attending another 6 hour of torture ceramah, it was finally time for me to get behind the wheels for the very 1st time. (note: the only good thing from the ceramah was meeting new people)..

After a month,i started my driving classes...the delay was because my parents were overseas and well i was feeling a teeny bit lazy *heheh*. So at the end of march i started driving. My 1st driving class didnt turn out as bad i expected it to be. Add to which my confidence level was given a boost by my driving instructor who said i was good for a first timer *whee!!*..Then after another lesson, my classes begun at Kapar.. Gosh how i hated the Kapar lessons, this is because :

1) the 30 minute drive there was soooooo long and terrible due to bad maintenance of roads
2) my classes were in the afternoon when it was so terribly hot, i could feel the heat of the sun just burning through my skin
3) I just hated that place..*hehe*

So i finished my 10 hours of driving class which is actually suppose to be 16 hours according to the law!!!!!.. After 10 hours, the driving school will charge you extra which in my opinion is not FAIR!!! at all.*sighs*.. At the end of the 5 lessons, i still felt scared (driving is one of my many phobia's)..but with the determination to not prolong it i decided to take my driving exam.


9th April, the day of my driving exam..i had butterfly in my stomach throughout the whole journey getting there. i was really nervous. despite of feeling scared inside i had a chance to get to know a girl named Tinapriya (she did SAM but we never got the chance to talk)..i guess you could say our meeting was Faith.. Well at Kapar, my bukit was the first exam..and sad to say i did not pass my parking and NO!!! the poles did not was just that my car touch the pole without my realisation..hehe. but i did pass my "ujian jalan raya".. I felt sad and just really down because i didnt pass my bukit and had to come back to this wretched place *long sigh*

16th April, 2nd driving test (resit bukit and all) good thing that came out of this was i had Tina with me..she was my resit buddy!! and motivater!!..we went through the whole dillema together. As you might guess by now i did pass my bukit and everything and now im a P driver..*yippie*!!! this happiness was also felt by Tina..

(present moment)
Well there you have it, my extremely long post on how i got my driving license. To be honest, the joy and excitment you feel when you passed after experiencing failure cannot be compared to anything. i was on cloud 9..i couldnt have done it withouht my friends who believed in me also and knew i could do it (love you people!!!!)

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

How well do you know me??

Create your own Friend Test here
hey people, why dont you take this test just to test yourself to see how well you know mua. besides i did it to pass my time since i was bored..hehe..

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Short Talk

Time has passed by so fast, it feels like just yesterday when i celebrated my 19th birthday and next thing you know, were in the month of April..*sighs*. Indeed it has been a very interesting 3 months, and im looking forward to what the month of April has in store for me.

Sorry people for not updating my blog, im kinda back-dated in a few post, i realise that. I've been so busy that i havent had the time or the mood to actually sit down and blog. Add to which im not feeling well, so my brain is kinda blocked. Once i recover or when im feeling much better, ill add more post okay.