Tuesday, 17 April 2007

In Loving Memory

For all you people who dont read the newspaper or watch the news!, well here's and important update for ya'll. On monday, 16th April 2007, the worst massacre shoot out in american history occured in Virginia Tech University. The shoot out begun at 7.15 am..as a result of this nightmare, 33 people including the shooter died and about 16 or more were injured. This event came as a real shock to well people all around the world. Im one of many people who mourn over this tragic event. This shooting Massacre is known as one of the deadliest shooting in U.S history.

If your wondering who was responsible for this outrageous madness!!!!..well it was a south korean student Cho Seung hui,23 who was an english major at the university. Its no suprise that the boy is said to have suffered from mental illness. Students at the campus say that the boy was a loner and was also nicknamed the " question mark kid".....that kinda says alot doesnt it....NO, this boy didnt just get out of bed and said " hey, i feel like killing people today"..Cho had carefully planned this whole thing. He was also known for stalking a girls, writting really freaky play's and doing scary stuff...Overall his one CRAZY!!!!!!! boy.

The murderer

Its just really sad that so many innocent people had to die because of one mentally disturbed kid. In my opinion, the university should have taken extreme measures when this boy was showing freaky symptoms already.......Then again this is not the 1st shoot out that happen at Virginia Tech. Last year August, a shoot out occurred but luckily noone got hurt. You would think that after the columbine incident and other incident that strict measures would have been taken to prevent such catastrophy from ever happening again. *sighs*..The easy access to guns in america is a major factor to such incidents.. According to the news, this Cho guy actually bought the guns legally.

An important thing i learnt from this tragic incident that it brings out the best in some people. What im tryin to say (sum up in one word is) "heroism". Some people's quick thinking and ability to sacrifice their life was able to save many more lifes...for example this lecturer who sacrificed his life for his student. (Note: all his students able to escape safely)..the ironic part is that this proffesor survived the holocust and other stuff and ended up losing his life to a crazy boy....but many people said he died at a place he called home.....

This post is my way of showing my sadness and sympathy for the families and people who have lost either a loved one or a friend. Hopefully we do not have to face such tragedy ever again.


thelover said...

whos loganathan??

bedazzeld said...

i think he was a proffesor at the uni..the indian prof..why do u ask???

thelover said...

haha, looked funny ler, wondered why an indian name was on something poetic and yet abstract.