kosheila (on da left) and reshween (on da right)..sorry i couldnt get a picture of iswari
I knew reshween from bm tuition, kosheila from sunitha and iswari from prasad tuition. We werent close but we had the same mutual friends. The tragedy that fell upon them is something none could imagine. They were only 19 years old (my age), they had so much more to live for ...and in a split second they were taken away from their loved ones.
Im not gonna talk about how the accident occured or post any pictures of the accident. Honestly i really dont want to talk about how it happened and whose fault is it..because talking about those things is not going to bring them back!!! . I believe that these girls should be remembered during their good times. They did not suffer and their last memories were really good ones. They were not alone at all. I along with many other people grief and mourn over the lost, eventhough they are not among us right now, their presence will never be forgotten.
Quote: It is sufficiently clear that all things are changed, and nothing really perishes, and that the sum of matter remains absolutely the same. -Francis Bacon, De Natura Rerum
We can question god's action but we will never really get an answer for the reason's of his action. What happen was unfair no doubt about it but maybe HE needed them by his side, he took 3 angels to be with him. As we know, god always takes the people he loves the most. At the present moment, i think that we all should pray that they rest in peace, pray for their family to have the support and love to get through this rough period of time, pray for jagdeep.
Quote: That nothing with God can be accidental. -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, The Golden Legend Pt. vi
We all should stop for a moment and learn from this incident. Never EVER!! underestimate life and take it for granted. We have to appreciate every single moment we spend with our loved ones. Dont speed and dont drink and drive!. None of us can imagine the pain the families are going through and believe me when i say that we should never put our family through that kind of heartache. We should respect our lives and be responsible.
Quote:The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.-- Mahatma Gandhi
Forgiveness is me giving up my right to hurt you for hurting me. --Anonymous
One thing i learnt from this is that..im never going to take things and people in my life for granted. Sha sha and lisa, this is hard on you..but im here for you if u need anything. *hugs* just reach out for my hand. We all need each other to get through this.
We are not human beings on a Spiritual journey. We are Spiritual Beings on a human journey.— a quote that i heard on oprah and really touched me.
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