Thursday, 10 May 2007

TAGness !!!!!

Your top SIX frens in friendster..
Your featured
friends i suppose ..

- Don’t change your friendster top 6!
- Fill the people in below!
- Answer the questions truthfully!

1. Dhalini
2. Sonya
3. Eshwar
4. Ashwini
5. Sanjay Thaker
6. Raehan

1. Have you ever danced with number 3?
: NOPE i havent.....i havent danced with anyone in ages *SAD-ness*

2. Where did you meet number 6?
: we're childhood friends *hehe* lived behind my house and we studied together at TADIKA SRI KENANGA

3. Have you ever gotten drunk with
number 5?
:NEVER..i doubt that will ever happen *hehe*.What do you think??

4. Have you ever kissed number 4?
: i havent kissed her, but i wouldnt mind kissing ashy *Winks*

5. Have you ever kissed number 1?
: cant remember lar, maybe!!!..a friendship kiss..(im not les aight!!)

6. Have you ever gone shopping with 3?
: yup..window shopping!!!

7. Have you ever seen 2 in a swimsuit?
:wow see my sexy cow in a swimsuit!!.havent got the chance yet..but definately wouldn wanna miss it *LOL*

8. Have you ever met 1's family?
:: obviously! really cute family!! petite galS!!!

9. Do you know 3's middle name?
: he doesnt have a middle name....

10. Have you ever eaten anything in
front of 6?
:hahaha yup i duh!

11. Do you trust number 4?
: well sort of lar..till a certain extent..since we just got to know each other.

12. Have you ever fought with number 5?
:: the question is when have i NOT fought with jay!!! ahah well the fighting is wat keeps us going..we have our little fights, jst like any other friends

13. When is the last time you saw num
:: i saw him in his in AUSSIE!!!

14. Are any of your top 6 family?
:: SADLY nope..but maybe in da future or somethin...

15. Have you ever done something
dangerous with number 6 ??
:: nah havent...dangerous*HMMM*

16. Have you ever slept in the same
bed with any of the six?
:: half of my answers in this tag is here goes NOPE!!! still waiting for my slumber party daley!!

17. Do you think 5 and 6 would make a
:: i definately wouldnt want that to happen..wouldnt want them to be gay now would i!..ahaha

18. Would 2 do anything for you?
:: yup...she's da best gal buddy i could ever ask for *muaks*

19. Have you ever made out with number
:: ahaha no we havent!!! * that would be hillarious* both of us would have to give up on guys eternally for that to happen

20. Have you ever slept with your
number 1?
:: nope..gosh enough with da sleeping already!!

21. Which have you known the longest?

22. Who have you known the shortest?
:: Raehan not counting the childhood..since i was a kid

23. Has anyone in your top 6 seen you
:: yea...definately sanjay (MADE ME CRY).ahaha..

24. Have you had a crush on 1 - 6?
:: i love all of them..but specifically one person (CRUSH)

25. Have you done anything illegal
with number 4?
:: not yet..but there's a chance it will happen

26. Will 1 - 6 repost this?
:: 1 kinda busy with exam, 2 is too stressed out, 3 doesnt have time, 4 had already done it, 5 might if i whine a lot *LOL*, 6 nver will.ahahaa

i decided not to tag anyone..this tag shall end with me!!!



Anonymous said...

Aww..i made you cry???? hmm.....well cant deny it but sometimes its a two way thing k..not only caused by me! And glad that i am ur longest known top 6 friendster for getting drunk..hmmm u never and my fascination for cocktails..and all the ideas i told you of before...

praxster said...

i see im not on ur top 6 eh???

bedazzeld said...

yeah jay..u and ur crazy ideas lar..since your okay with it.we shall get drunk together one day *Winks*

bedazzeld said...

well prakky i followed the list on friendster..sorry *puppy eyes*